business recognition

What are you Working For? Reasons to Work


When you’re going to work in the morning, are you springing out of bed, full of drive and enthusiasm for another day in the office? Or do you crawl in, half asleep and resenting the office for dragging you out of bed? Too many of us are the second person, being ground down by a job we don’t enjoy and can’t see the value of.

Today we’re taking a look at the reasons for working that could send you into the office with a spring in your step and a smile on your face.

Seeing Results

One of the best ways to boost satisfaction at work is to look at the results of what you do. That takes the emphasis off the boring or rote nature of the tasks your doing, and puts it onto the difference you’re making. If you’re able to see the difference your work is making, to society, or even just to your customers or company you’ll feel far more motivated in what you do.

It’s easiest to see this in medicine, or social care jobs: every day you walk into bad situations with the sole goal of making things better, and you can rest easy at night knowing just who you’ve improved life for.

If you’re not in such a direct and practical role, you can still adjust your perspective to give yourself a more constructive perspective on your role. Try talking to your manager to get more of an idea how your role fits into the wider company – if possible, look to shadow someone in a team who your work affects so you can begin to understand how your input is valued by the company.


If you’re finding it difficult to summon the motivation to continue in your current job, try looking for some training. If you’re able, with your manager’s cooperation, to find some useful skills you can acquire and mark our the time in the week to work on it, you’ll find a whole new world of motivation. Every piece of mundane work you do clears an obstacle towards building towards your self improvement and the better prospects it can bring, while increasing your value to the company, and demonstrating your commitment to your own career, which is always a good thing to signal.

You could also look for projects you could take on above and beyond the scope of your job description. If you see the chance to do something that could improve things for the whole team, do a little preliminary research and then make a pitch to your manager, laying out the commitment of time and resources involved and the eventual pay off.

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